peNgikut aku YanG taBah..ngeE^_^

Friday, January 21, 2011

::: 25 random facts bout me..MYSHEIRA :::

ak telah di tag oleh 2 org cik gadis manis..huhuhu

the rules is :
"Once you have been tagged,you are suppose to write a note, with 25 random thing, fact, habits or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tag you, it's because I want to know more about you. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

1stly...sori 4 both of u la kn..coz u tag me da lme but i bwu nk wt entry neyh..btw..thanx 4 adding dear :)
i wat skli harung sbb i kne tag by both of u the same tag ..hee~
*pdhal mls..hahahhaa

oke dear..wanna noe bout me??lets check it out :)
okie dokies...lets begin now :)

1. nme diberi mysheira....nme diberi mysheira..gedik nk ulang2 sore..hahahhaa
sile hafal name saye :P

2. perhatian kejap! ak nie ank pling mnje dlm fmily..kalah adeq2 aku..hahahhaa
*aku tipu (pdhal betol..maloo nk ngaku..tetttt :P ) oke..shadap sume :P

3. sgt shuke shoppink moppink...agaggaaaa...ajk la ak g shoppink mne pown,mate ak xkn benti tgk brg2 kt ctu weyh..kdg2 org yg tman/jln ngn aku pown cmpi xdhiraukan oleh ku..hahahhaa kejam x haku ?? blewkk maaf la yew..xsgajew..weee~

4. xnk kawen awl sgt..da dpt warning from my abah..:) 
"stdy lagie penting along..xyah nk cinte2 skunk..kwn2 tapew.."

5. akn mnjerit2+melalak2 (tp tadew la over sgt nyah oii ) blew jmpew mmber2 lme+kamceng ngn aku..waaa..tbe2 rindoo kt dorg sume..
*ex-skpd...ex-kospint...ex-mrsm kuantan..ex-kmm...n of course my lalink2 kt utm..:)

6. sgt perlukn kn my parents aku nun jaoh di tengganu tuh rite now...huhuhuhuhu sbb ak ssgt ow kdg2 tension2 kt utm neyh...:(
nk hug2 la dorg..huhuhu plus2 adeq2 aku :) misshh n ♥ l of u :) muahhhhhxxx2 !!

7. haaa...aku ta suke lau org nk taw sal diri dye pegi selidik kt org len....PANTANG nenek moyang aku tahuu!! juz directly tye talam 2 muke lak!
tp lau scret admirer..dun noe larhh..hahahha
*syok sndiri lak ko!!pegi men jaoh2!perasan!

8. lau kowg adew ta puas atie ngn aku pown..juz tell me..xpyah nk ngumpat2 blkg!

9. tak shuke pegi fieldwork!panas yg amat tahuu!!??ggrrrrrr..
*abes da ta comeyl muke yg mmg tak comeyl neyh tahuu??!! perlu kew cmneyh??hahhahaha

10. aku akn setia n syg sum1 tuh if dye xmaen2 kn skli dye musnahkn kprcayaan ak ....ko jgn arap aku pat maafkn ko!itu jnji aku!*tbe2 jdik siyes lak ( muke mmg 150% serius neyh )

11. fyi kn..ak amat2 ssh nk tacing/trase ngn owg..but skli ak trase ngn sum1 tuh...mmg ko crik nahas la babe!

12. teringin gilew nk adew moto LC!!
hoii...xpdn ngn gurl la kau neyh!ermm..saloo jew dpt ayt cmneyh..wateva la..ak ttp syg LC! huhh..jless!!

13. aku sorg yg sgt2 simple..but ttp jge penampilan..huhuhu
puji diri sndiri jap..hee ♥.. tp tyme hmpeh cket...huhuhu

14. aku syg UTM SKUDAI aku neyh...ow universiti terbaik malaysia :)

15. dlu ssh tgk ak adew naju wane PINK!!euwwww..pinky siott!!geli2..
tp skunk..mak aii..bertimbun2 lak bju wane pink..nak satu kew??hehehee

16. tyme2 kecik..ak sgt nakal+degil!! cm2 da jdik kt diri aku..hahahaha tp skunk da baek oke!
jum berkawan ngn saye cepat!! 

17. haaa!!ak sgt SUKE MAKAN! (ciap capslock bagai)hahahaha suke mkn scret rcipe...nsi aym penyek..plus2++++ apple juice..masyukkk babe!! wakakakkaaa *btmbah+++ gemokk la aku :)

18. impian ingin twunkn BERAT BADAN ke 48/47 kg...
oviyesly..nek berat bdn tyme2 kt mrsm dulu...tiap2 mggu MCD..ow KFC ow S.RECIPE..mne tak gemokk weyh!!adoiiii mysheira2..:(

19. pntang tgk duet!!hahahahaaa..teringin gilew nk tgk lam akaun aku adew RM 1xxxxxxxxxx.00
hoii..byk gilew!hahhahaaa ak nk wt cm2 ko taw..yg pntg nk sdekah(alhmdulillah)..nk pegi haji..nk rumah+shoppink! *mate aku da bling2 ! suke sgt berangan :)

20. mengelamun+berangn mmg hobi ak sejak azali wa ckp lu!.. nk bnde2 demand jew..INGAT! kdg2 impian ow angan2 tuh boleyh jdik kenyataann!!aminn :)
tp ak pown sedar thap ak cmnew...tadew sume bnde yg mhal yg ak nk...ak pown boleyh pk jgk weyh :)

21. love choc!!sangat2!! cdbury

22. mybe cpew2 ngn 1st tyme tgk aku..ckp ak cmbonk..but!!absolutely wrong oke! sgt peramah..huhuhu

23. tlg hormat pade pew yg ak mtk if itu yg kamoo jnji akn wt..plisss laaa..tlg kote kn apew yg kamoo kate :) tQ~

24. I HATE pade yg suke sgt memakse ak tahuu..!ee..nk lempang2 rase..
mksud aku pkse utk wt bnde yg ak ta lau ke arah kebaikn..ermm..errr..insyallah ak akn ikot..:)

25. even kwn2 saloo kt atie...1st nyew...WAJIB lah HUSBAND aku :P
*gatal!!lau ko nk abah say sumthing bout dis again..wat lah xsggop!!
abah n umie segala2 nyew bg ak..syg mereka ♥ 
ak xsggop dh abah ckp lagie psl neyh...ak akn jdik sebak :( thanx abah 4 loving n care bout me till now :)
ohoii..fenat larhh nk ciap kn bnde neyh :)
2 ari kowt mkn mse ak..hahahahaaa
btw..thanx pd yg tag aku tuh...syg kamo..
skunk..sptot nyew turn tag my fren..

but i hve to go rite noe..sorie..
but if spew2 wt sal facts bout u neyh..6t tggl kn link ke cnie yew :)
thanx :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

::: weyhh..saye mane?? :::

amboii..da xkenal diri sndiri ke cik adeq manis??
awww!!manis kew??..(adew la ckit kowt :P)
hahahhaaa..dah2..kowg jgn gelakkn aku taw weyh!!
malu la...saje jew pown nk try shawl neyh..
ak saloo pk muke aku xsesuai la nk pki shawl..
tp skunk xtaw la kn..hahahhahaa

ni la geng2 aku yg sengal :P
maaf teem..niesya..syg kowg hehehehhee:)

 ngn niesya :)

ini kamie :)

small size :)
 nie pown small..i maloo la..hahaha

 p/s: maloo nk wt large pic..hahhahahaa

:::Saya Pelajar UTM Skudai:::

Assalamualaikum..salam 1 Malaysia!
wooww!!woww!!mengapakah tajuk entry aku sgt skema??hahahahhaa
haaa...jgn gelak dlu... join satu segmen dari Blog Pilihan Malaysia ...'m stdying at UTM Skudai..but skunk da tuka jdik UTM JB...
course Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering...
gonna be an engineer 1 day..ahakkzz :)

even ak bwu msok cinie..da mcm2 ak halangn..dugaan..suke duke ak tempuhi..
dak2 coursemate ak sume sporting2..but certain tuh adew la yg ak xleyh nk kamceng...
but sume oke..PERFECT!!
i sayang u ol sume :)
awww!!so sweet :P
lau nk citew sal dowg sume neyh..xkan abes weyh...
fenat sy 6t...papew pown..
i hope dat we can fwenz forever no matter wat!

korang layan jew la pic kamie sume neyh :)

my coursemate...^_^

skunk..sile layn pic tyme dinner course..
MASQUARADE PARTY ^_^..hahahaha
 sume muke2 sengal :P

 posing xabes2 :P

 nie plak skandal clas aku..(tipu)
nie psngan mak n anak..
mne 1 mak..mne 1 anak ??hhohoho
teem mak..shidi anak :)

kt class pown jdik..haihh...

solat d msjid...
sile cek ppan tande itu ^_^

salam kenal ^_^
sekian dr saye ^_^

Monday, January 10, 2011

::: Layak Kah aku neyh?? : best student :::

bgun awl..yg len mseh terbungkanggg langgang!!
ak lak kne pegi bagi taklimat kt DSI ngn NC..:(
blek2..pegi arked then meeting my course...
fenim memikirkan sumthing yg xpnah ak wt lagie b4 neyh..
adesss laa...
boleyh ke??layak kew??
td adew meeting course aku n ol about program 4 dis sem...
mak aiii.....BERSATU!!
agagaaaa..pew bndew tah ko neyh mysheira oii??mereng kew hapew haa??
ktwg byk discuss sal JGC....(cm plat kete kt jb kn..sesuai gitu..awww!!?
hoii..eh2..cilap...ptot la cm smcm jew..GJC(Geomatic Junior Camp) la..not JGC..
nie la pdahnyew ble jln ngn mmber2 aku kn2...then nmpk kete plat JGC...hahhahaha
ktwg akn gelak...tah npew tah..dowg gilew kowt..ak tak..aku tak..kn2??heee~
sbb cm GJC lak...tuh gelak tuh..mengong!!tah papew..bnde cmtuh pown nk gelak...sudaaa laa...
oke2....ak nk stry sal meetg td neyh...
ktwg bentukkn orgnisasi bwu tok camp tuh..n kowg plg malang sbb pilih aku...hahahahhaha
nk taw npew??
sbb....sbb...teeetttttttttttt~~ahh..bla lah ko!!ckp jew la ko bgge kn adew jwtan...hahahhahaa
xdew mknenyew la...nie pown..ak da wt bntahan awl2 kt si syukri tuh..ak xnk jwtan tuh..
sorg laki..sorg gurl..amek ko setempek!!! 
'weyh....npew lak???shiro la...shirooo...!'
sore dr dak2 coursemate aku!hishh..!
eee..ak penampow sume kn bwu taw..hahhahahhaa (gurau jew syg!)hahahhaha
ak da la pgg bhgian penginapan& pengangkutan...
haaa...mmmg pdm muke kowg!! wanna noe y haa??
ak akn pilih tmpat pling xbest!!!!pegi jln kaki..jimat kos weyh!!haaa...pdm muke!!hahhahahhaaa
kejam x aku???hahahhahaa..
cpew swuh pilih kn aku nie..ak wt cmtuh sbb ak syg kowg sume..
asyik pegi tmpat best2 jew kn..try la tmpat xbest+jln kaki  plak...agagaggagagaa :P:P
eh2..cian lak kowg kne jln kaki..emm..sat2..
oke2..pegi pegi nek bus la..cian jgk ak nengok muke cm pew tah..hahaha
tp busa tadew tayar..oke x??spew sokong angkat ketiak...
hoii!!eh2..xleyh agkat ketiak..hee~angkat lutut cepat!!hahaha
*hmmm..puas atie aku..hahhahaha
pdm muke junior2 aku...hahahhahaa
hey2...xkn cuak kot..jgn la...jum la msok kos aku...jum laa...msok utm..sonok weyh...:P
leyh pegi kem ngn saye..*muke gatai...hahhahaha
geli geleman sy..!tamoo la...setia weyh..!!hahahhaha 
*jgn gelak..ahhh!!ahhh!!

tp nk mtk tolong nie actualy..ak+ktwg sume tadew idea lg sal tmpat campsite tuh..lau boleyh area jay bee la..dkt cket..jimat kos babe..hahahaha:P
so..anyone dat hve any idea..pliss suggest to me:) tQ

nie kat gunung belumut...

 neyh plak kat gunung ledang...

p/s: td tuh..gwau2 jew la...xde la ak kejam sgt...xkn nk plih tmpt xbest lak kn..aku pown tanak pegi..cessss..demand bebenow budak neyh..malang tol cpew dpt aku..ahhahaha kecian :P
so...jum la rmi2 jdik junior aku..boleyh aku BULI kowg..ngeh3 :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

::: 3rd day : best student :::

assalamualaikum kwn2..para blogger...
sorie cz quite long xhapdate dis blogg....heeee~~
ngak sengajew dong...
nk jadik best student la kate kn...hehehehehee:)
aawwww....ebat gituh..hahahahaa
insyaallah...pulun utk sem 2 neyh..heee
xsgke ak da cmpi utm neyh da 3ari lpas...hahahahaha

sorie xupdate..sorie da lme xblogwalking mmber2...jgn mrah noe...
sat lagie sy b.w kowg sume okeh??hhehehehehee
actually quite tough for my course dis sem..huaaaaa:(
mau nanges tahuu??2nd day ari tuh...da kne wakeup early cz we've to attend fieldwok b4 7am..
it means dat 7am must at da ukk lab...waaaa....ngantokkk...arghhhhh..!!
apew kah sume neyh??huaaaaa:(

lupew kn...tekanan skejap..hohohoho
lecture english aku lak..encemmmm...hahahahhaha
canada maliii...MR JACK...100% skeaping b.i...eh2..silap..speaking...hehehe
walllaweyhhh...terer la b.i ak 6t..huhuhuhu

sem nie..da kne cerap mcm2 pulak weyh.....
kowg nk swuh ak cerap apew??bulan..bintang..matahari??sume boleyh..
cerap bumi..pluto??owhh..melampau yew kowg...hahahahaa
waahhh..ebat siot aku..ptot la bkal best student...
wooo...berangn itu penting...ahakkkzzz:P

oke...sesi kemas blek ptg td...
wooo..tired gilew tahap ciputt!!haiyyaaa....pew nk jdik??
dat not my fault okeyh...stor xbukak..
lau xbkak gk xtaw nk ckp pew...da tadew baju nk pki...hahahaha

b4 kemas...*bersepah..
tu tmpang ktil dak sblh..sbb ak tadew rumet lg..
so..wt cm tmpt ak jugak..weee

 locker maseh kosong :)

nie..kt katil sblh aku..hahaha
*pnjm jap ek..??heee
byk gilew..hoho..adew lagi neyh..cume xmsok pic..heee~~
byse la pempuan..sume adew...hahaha

 kemas x locker aku???hahahahhaa
setelh diisi ngn brg2 aku..penohhh woooo:P
jgn tkejut lak...byse laa..gurl..hee..

then ptg..adew klas ko-q plak..
mak aiii..penat doe...haishhh..
nie keje aku..
p/s: ak nk cpta 1 utk utm skudai..wakakakakaaaa
*jom gelak rmi2..tbe2 jew aku eyh..haih..hahahaa

p/s:3rd day kt cnie sgt best la...cume cuak cket nk stdy neyh..agk tough sbjek2..jz overol laa..
hope ak leyh tempuh sume cbran after dis..:)
td cek2 fb..coursemate btaw adew assignment..owhh..buzy sekali..huhu
daaa..mau b.w then ...kerohhhhh :)

::: epi bufday to my loving umie :::

umie..epi bufdayh..
smoge pnjang umo n murah rzeki..
ermm..pray for my success here..:)
i love u mom :)

along syg umie :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

::: New Hope..New Spirit....2011:::

wlcome 2011...bubye 2010...

i hope dis 2011..will clean away all of the nonsense and non-lucky things...

my mission :
-iman yg kuat :)
-dpt struggle abes-abisan 4 dis sem :)
-4 flat ow at least dean list :)
-no play2 anymore :)

hahahahhaaa..yg last tuh wjib adew oke!!
shoppink ngn GURL xboleyh di pishkn...
6t huru hara sume org..agagaggaga:P

ermm..sok mau pulang ke utm..oohh!!skudai!!here i come bebeh:)
ngn smngat yg berkobar2 neyh..hahaha
tp plus+plus cuak..
nk taw sbb pew??

ermm..sbb i must b a strong strong strong gurl 2 face wif ol my clazzmatez..
yg sume nyew terror2..ebat2...
aiyyakkkk!!! yeayhh!!mysheira..u can do it also!!
come on shayunkkk!!!

pd sume fllower aku tuh..thanx sume oke..
sudi2 la komen at my belog neyh..uhukkkzz :)

korunk2..|| click cinie ||

p/s: hope dpt capai sume mission2 kt ats...good luck n ol da best bebeh :)
cpew yg juz jdik stalker ak tuh..tQ la ek :P